I have retrained myself into some good habits lately (well, in the past three years or so), and am working on one of my New Year's resolutions: floss your teeth. Yes, I know I should already be a flosser. Many people I know floss their teeth. My dentist has repeatedly exhorted me to floss. And I know that I'm not getting any younger: wouldn't flossing help my teeth and gums stay healthy longer, and thus keep me out of the denture brigade?
So, what have I learned about starting new habits that will help me here?
1 - Tie the new habit to something you already do well (and do regularly). I'm good at lots of things; I bet you are, too. I'm even good at some of the repetitive, maintenance-y things in life: laundry, for example. I am the Laundry Fairy in my household. If I wanted to start a new habit (or just get better at something I don't do as frequently as I should, like watering my houseplants), I could somehow tie it in with doing the laundry. Leave a reminder note in the laundry room, or leave the watering can on the washing machine. Then, right after I started a new load of laundry, I would go water those plants.
I still use this method to keep my car free of trash: whenever I fill the tank with gas, I drop off a handful of garbage in the gas station bins.
2 - Have the right equipment at hand. I cannot overemphasize this idea, as "the right equipment" turned out to be the key to finally becoming a sometime-flosser. I tried waxed floss, unwaxed floss, mint-y fresh floss, ribbon floss, ugh, ugh, ugh...
The right equipment makes any job easier. And easier jobs tend to get done. If you are trying to jump-start a habit, do whatever it takes to make the "easier" part happen:
* the proper shoes for walking
* the proper bra (or other clothing) for working out
* sharp knives for chopping those fresh veggies
* a vitamin pill that you will want to take daily (try the Gummy ones!)
* file folders and labels for getting that paperwork under control
* a trash can in every room
* a well-lit crafting area, so you can see what you are doing
3 - Do less, but do it more frequently. I learned this one from FlyLady (Baby steps!) When I first started plucking my eyebrows (not so very long ago), I plucked a few hairs every day until I had finally achieved the desired shape. Then, to maintain, I plucked 8 hairs daily. Now mind you, some days it didn't look like there were even 8 hairs there to pluck (how many eyebrow hairs grow in overnight anyway?) But I was busy establishing a habit: I found 8 little feathery blond hairs and plucked them. Every day.
This concept applies in more areas of your life than you would initially think. Take cleaning the house. I am currently decluttering, in one-hour bursts. When I don't have a whole hour (like today), I set a timer for 15 minutes. Maybe I will have another 15-minute chunk of time later today, and maybe not, but I didn't let the fact that today was very busy deter me from my decluttering habit. I can also dust, or vacuum, or tidy up, in smaller chunks. Every little bit that I do is more than would have gotten done otherwise.
Back to the dental hygiene: I started out by flossing only 1/4 of my mouth at a time. Worked my way up to the whole mouth eventually, but it awhile to establish the idea of "flossing".
4 - Reward yourself. You deserve it. It's hard to begin a new habit, and maybe it will take a few tries before something clicks. Look at those things you do well, and use them as motivation.
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