Well hello there, goal list! The endless ToDo lists may lurk
in dusty corners everywhere these almost holi-days, but there is something so wonderful about setting stitching goals at the beginning of a month, and then checking back in to see how it all went down. I have loved seeing the monthly goals of Barbara over at
Cat Patches (plus she's just a hoot to read), but I see that she has abandoned this practice for 2017. Alrighty then, I will have to supply my own humor as I go thru my list for December.
But first, let me predict the length of this goal list. I am notoriously good at forgetting half of the WIPs or other promised sewing projects that I have going on... How far away from reality am I here?
My guess: 10
hush-hush quilt feature |
Goals for December
1. Finish super-secret quilt
Not too exciting as goals go, can't show a full picture until the recipient has it in hand. But let me say
that I am delighted with the quilt! My largest quilt ever, only the binding left to do.
2. Finish baby quilt for Guild charity drive
Much as I would love to work on a
new, simple quilt designed from fabrics in my stash, the short timeframe until the Guild holiday party requires me to be pragmatic: I am finishing the quilting on a UFO. Last seen in October 2014, when I reported I had successfully
sandwiched the quilt. I had clearly lost interest in this project, a red-pink-black sampler quilt that was
finished piecing in October 2012. My FMQ skills are still not up to the task, but I have a plan for quilting. And I think the binding might even be cut out already...
3. Finish puppy pillow sham

Elizabeth Hartman's
Dogs in Sweaters pattern. So. Darn. Cute. Most of the quilting is done, just the border area left. And then to put a back on it.
4. Hand-stitch binding on Circles BoM quilt
There are a few more applique and finishing bits to go, even after the binding is complete, but December's goal is to use some prime Bowl Game watching time to finish the binding.
5. Make/complete 3 blocks for Woven BoM

This year's BoM at
the shop has the theme
Woven from Tradition. And the color story
modern pink lemonade. It started in September, but I still have some stitching to do on October, November and December blocks.
Oh, and I probably should have a block ready for January--given that I am teaching this BoM and all.
6. Finish 2 chirimen samples
For the shop: I started two small hand projects using vintage
Japanese chirimen rayon. One of them is
an ornament, so it seems like a reasonable goal to finish it for display this month. But then again, it requires hand-work. Do I have any air travel coming up? That's my best hand-work-finishing location.
7. Finish "C is for Chicken" book
This is a sample for the class I will teach in February. Need it completed so that it will attract students to take the class. I have been dilly-dallying because I feel like I can't
draw a decent chicken. But...the collage chicken has the barest resemblance to poultry, and I'm not rushing to remake it for a lack of realism. I just need to get over myself.
8. Memorial stockings for the siblings
Our much-beloved childhood quilt was cut up to make a
repurposed Christmas stocking. Now I need to make 2 more--one each for my brother and sister.
Actual count: 8
Good gravy! Long list, busy month. As always, I have several other projects that vie for my attention (new & shiny anyone?) I did NOT put them on the list, hoping to stay focused on the ones listed here. As if 8 projects really represents "focus".
In an effort to FOCUS, I am declaring
item #7, the "C is for Chicken" book to be my One Monthly Goal for the linky party hosted at
Elm Street Quilts.
I will be reporting my progress on the pesky poultry pages later this month. Wish me luck!