The view inside my cupboards is scary.
I am a behind-closed-doors hoarder of all things paper-related. (Peter Walsh had me pegged in a recent article in Oprah's magazine; it's the perfectionist in me that wants to find the best possible way to organize all those papers. Until then, I'll just keep stacking, piling, and boxing them up inside the various closets in my life.)
I was looking for a hard copy of tomorrow's quiz. (God help me if I have to write a new quiz tonight.) I opened the cupboard with the most organized version of my statistics stuff.
Underneath that crate is all the materials from the previous incarnation of the class. (Why do I still have that stuff? Because I haven't incorporated all of it into the class I now teach.) No luck in either crate. But wait... don't I have another pile of statistics stuff somewhere?
I am in deep trouble. If only spring term weren't already a train wreck of disorganization! I feel mentally ready to tackle my closets (and drawers, and bins). I just need a routine (thank you, Bonnie!) to start picking away at the backlog.
Maybe next week. I gotta go write a quiz...
Secret motivational picture: my colleague's cupboard.
Apparently not everyone fills up every inch of space with unsorted paperwork.
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