Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Untidy build-up

"Life is 70% maintenance."  --Robert Downey, Jr.

Well, the Tidy Fairy has been too scared to visit my sewing room recently, so the room reverted to its wild and untamed state over the past month or so.  I can sure put on a mess! There was untidy build-up everywhere.  No wonder I haven't wanted to go in and sew.  Even my cutting and ironing surfaces had been buried, to say nothing of the available floor space.  There was just barely room for the dogs (who sleep in there most nights).

Didn't take any "before" photos, but I thought I'd celebrate the Day of Tidy that I spent excavating.
The problem corner of my sewing room now contains a 10-drawer organizer.  I brought this in from the garage to replace two boxes of WIP materials that had become unmanageable.  All the little bits and pieces of an ongoing project (or several ongoing projects, as the case may be) were too hard to keep track of.  Now... the two "red" drawers contain the pieces for my red/black/pink baby-quilt-to-be.  And likewise with the other eight drawers. 

So, the shelf that usually holds "the projects" can now hold the big pieces that go with those projects, and all the smaller pieces are safely tucked away.  (See the backing fabric I picked out for the stack-n-whack?  It's on the bottom of the pile.)

Things that got put away: all the fabric I have bought recently (including my sale purchase for the t-shirt quilt); scraps from the 1930's reproduction quilt I finished over the summer; knitting needles and supplies (from our move last October!); and a couple summer-ish projects that just aren't getting done any time soon (sorry, Oakie).

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