In cleaning out today's yard sale bin, I came across a UFO that is so dear to me. I know I'm not going to finish it. I know it will go away. But I wanted to give it a fitting tribute.
Here is the story of a sacred object
A long, long time ago (1998), when I lived with my family in a
commune, I was searching for my authentic self. There were many tools and paths available for this inner-work; the one I chose that summer was a
Vision Quest. As part of the 10-day preparation for the wilderness vision fast, we spent time doing many things. The one thing that pertains to this story is that we were making sacred objects. These were items made out of natural materials, or items that had meaning to us (one participant used his children's baby teeth inside a rattle he made).
buckshot-filled sacred rattle |
I completed a sacred rattle, using somewhat unconventional materials, and started making an altar cloth. Its base is a large square cotton voile scarf. I wanted to embellish the edges with beads, bells, and other small items I had in my sewing notions collection.
It was to be more than a decorated scarf |
I spent significant time searching for just the right combination of do-dads to beautify and add meaning to the cloth. And along the way, it morphed from just an altar scarf into something I could use as a bellydance hip scarf also.
Bonus: it doubles as a hip scarf! |
Two opposite corners had part of an old friendship puzzle necklace. I was putting my life together through the Vision Quest process.
Here's the truly sad part: only two tassels really got finished. How intricate! I took the uncompleted project with me out into the wilderness for my vision fast. I intended to work on it, maybe even finish it before the final night's ceremony. But I didn't realize that working on a sewing project was not really the way to manifest my vision out in the desert.
"The Vision Quest is the work of a lifetime. A two week ceremony is initiation and continuation on your path. How you will be with your work is up to you. The intention you bring to the Vision Quest reflects how you are in the world. What will you bring to it?"
Clearly, I brought the unfinished along with me. And didn't finish it then. And haven't finished it since then. One of my big lessons during the Vision Quest experience was to be
comfortable with imperfections, and to celebrate all the ways that I am
right now, not just waiting until some part of me is *done* or *better* or (my personal big bugaboo) *perfect*.
And so, I celebrate a lovely scarf that will never be completed by me, but might acquire a new life in the hands of another. Go forth and spread your sacred energy!