Everyone is doing it this time of year: scanning the past, looking to the future, and setting some goals. I was inspired by the format of Cynthia's blog post at
Quilting is More Fun than Housework; she pointed me to Yvonne's link-up over at
Quilting Jetgirl. I almost feel like I have stolen some other peoples' lists--maybe us creative-types have just tapped into the Universe's stream of consciousness here:
1. Use up, donate or dispose of 100 yards of fabric.
I mentioned this idea
last January, with the horrified realization that this means about 2 yards of fabric a week. Production sewing in quantity is definitely not me, but I know all the fabric I haul around (some of it easily 25+ years old) keeps me bound to the past in an unhealthy way. Time to "bless the world" with my excess!
2. Get my UFO pile down to single digits.
This item was suggested by Sweetie, and it sounds reasonable, so I am including it here. This means finishing up some long-dormant projects that are really deeply buried in the sewing storage vault. But it also probably means sending some partially-completed lovelies out on the winds of Fate, to be finished by others.
3. Track my progress. Items 1 and 2 on my list require some record-keeping; being public about these major sewing-related goals is one way to keep myself on track.
4. Be a friend. I have a tendency to neglect my friendships, as I retire to my own cave. This goal is about reaching out more often--attend open sew nights
regularly, join a guild or sewing group, reply to comments on my blog, comment on the inspiring blog posts of others, and meet up with my crafty friends in person.
5. Get back to journaling. Looking inward is a companion goal to reaching out: helps to keep me centered and more emotionally healthy. I have heard some people rave about
The Artist's Way method of writing daily pages, so maybe I'll give that practice a look-see.
6. Learn a new technique. Easy-peasy! I'm always on the lookout for sewing projects that challenge me to try new things. Let's see how this plays out in 2015.
7. Enter something in the county fair. I missed last year's fair (ok, I missed it because of my
honeymoon; a valid excuse if ever there was one), so I have a backlog of completed-but-not-exhibited projects. But I tend to use the county fair deadline to spur me on in finishing something challenging, too. So my hope is to enter something previously completed AND something yet-to-be-finished.
8. Enter a sew-along or online contest. A companion to real-life showing off of my work is to share and show off in the virtual world. I have entered blog hops hosted by
Sew We Quilt in the past; I also visit the garment
sew-along round-up every month or so and dream of stitching up some new duds; where will my inspiration come from in 2015?
9. Host a sew-along. Ok, this is WAY out of my comfort zone, but something I've always wanted to try. I may not have the blog followers to pull this off, but I'm hoping I can convince some others to join me. Someone gave me the idea to pull out one of those hoarded Amy Bradley patterns and get-to-gettin'...
10. Practice anti-procrastination. I admit it. Putting things off is an art form in my world. Well, my fave online organizing guru
FlyLady marks every Wednesday as Anti-Procrastination day. Why not?
11. Be gentle with myself. I am such a perfectionist, and a very harsh critic of myself. I set
impossibly high standards and clear my own path toward disappointment. There, I said it. But I don't always have to
live it.
12. Let go. Every now and then, just go with the flow.
Flow... |
Coffee cup pattern? |
13. Work the routines.
Both FlyLady and the ADD-related book I have been reading make the point that
Routines Are Your Friends.
14. Write a pattern.
I have one in mind. Just need to write up instructions and have someone test it out.
15. Celebrate!
Every time the sun comes up, there's a whole new day ahead. I love the
possibility of a fresh start.
Let me know where to find your list, and I'll come over and look. I promise to leave comments! (see goal #4, above)