Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oakie visor & project report for June

With buck-a-block out of the way, I got down to business on my self-imposed Oakie wardrobe sewing.  Finished(!) one item: a visor.
Oakie with his pals
The women at stitch-n-bitch became enamored with Oakie the travel penguin and my plans for his new wardrobe.  I finished the visor first because the pattern (a Cabbage Patch clothing pattern) needed no alterations--unlike all the fitting work I am going through on the raincoat and hoodie.  [And, with an upcoming trip to Alaska, his delicate eyes need shading from the sun off the glaciers.]

Even so, I had to remind myself multiple times to accept the imperfections in the topstitching.  It's a visor for a stuffed penguin, for goodness sake.  Not like I'm entering it in the County Fair.  I'd rather have it *done* than perfect.  (Yay, progress over the perfectionist whisperings.)

Project report
So, mixed results in projects this month.  I am making great progress on full-size quilts, and I did finish one item.  I also got rid of 4 UFOs (jeans purse, yellow skirt, rust tank top, and decorated scarf).  But, in starting the Oakie wardrobe, I added 4 new projects at the same time.  So, a bit of a wash.
Monthly project count...
Completed projects this Month:  1
Completed projects Year to Date:  7
New projects this Month:  4
New projects Year to Date: 10
Discarded/donated projects (farewell!): 6
Net Project Count for 2012: -3

Hey, the net project count continues to go down!  Great job on the "have less stuff" overall goal.

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